Today's Hunter and Trapper in Pennsylvania

Today's Hunter and Trapper in Pennsylvania


Today's Hunter and Trapper in Pennsylvania is the approved and authorized student manual for the official Pennsylvania hunter education course

The student manual combined with the course will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to be a safe and responsible hunter or trapper. The course is designed to meet the standards for hunter training established by the International Hunter education association (IHEA), as well as the needs particular to first-time hunters and trappers in Pennsylvania.

Topics Include:

  • Be a Responsible and Ethical Hunter
  • Know Your Firearm Equipment
  • Wildlife Conservation and Management
  • Outdoor Safety
  • Basic Hunting Techniques
  • Advanced Hunting Techniques
  • Trapping and Furtaking Basics
  • Basic Shooting Skills
  • Safe Hunting Skills
  • Expanding Your Opportunities
  • And more! 

Hunter Education in Pennsylvania

Hunting and trapping have been a part of Pennsylvania's rich history since the beginning of the Commonwealth. When Europeans arrived in 1610, they discovered an abundance of wildlife. Elk, deer, black bear, waterfowl, and even moose, along with predators such as wolves and mountain lions, roamed the mountains, swamps, and forests of the state. Settlers hunted and trapped for food and furs to survive in the wilderness that was Pennsylvania.

It wasn't until 1959 that Pennsylvania provided any type of official training. The first courses were known as "safety courses" and were taken on a voluntary basis.

Since the beginning of hunter and trapper education programs, hunting fatalities and injuries from firearms have declined nearly 80 percent.

With hunter and trapper education, Pennsylvania can continue its legacy of safe, responsible, knowledgeable, and involved hunters.

According to Pennsylvania law, all first-time hunters and trappers, regardless of age, must complete Hunter and Trapper Education training. Begin your independent study today.